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  • Escaping the Hunt: SciFi Alien Romance (Galactic Courtship Book 4) Page 5

Escaping the Hunt: SciFi Alien Romance (Galactic Courtship Book 4) Read online

Page 5

  He sucked in a harsh breath, and Skyler saw red drip from his arm.

  “I cut you!” Her heart sank. She hadn’t actually meant to cut him with the daggers. All she’d wanted was to show him that she shouldn’t be underestimated.

  He darted forward and captured her arms behind her back, making her weapons useless.

  “I harmed you.” She repeated.

  “It’s a harmless scratch. You can’t have any sympathy for your enemies.” He growled into her ear, sending shivers racing through her.

  “You aren’t my enemy though.” She tried to look back at him.

  “I was your enemy, in this situation.” His breath tickled the fine hairs on her neck, sending shivers up and down her spine. “Should we try again?”

  Skyler gave a nod, because his now hard cock was pressing into her lower back, and she couldn’t seem to gather her voice.

  Kyux released her, and she took up a position across from him.

  “I don’t think this is fair.” She motioned at him.

  He looked down at himself, and then back up at her. “Why not?”

  “Because you’re… naked.”

  Kyux smiled, as he winked at her. “Like what you’re seeing? Find it a bit distracting, do we?”

  “Yeah, that’s kind of the problem. It’s hard to focus with your cock… distracting me.” Skyler glanced down at his member and licked her lips. Definitely distracting.

  “Good. Now you can overcome your distraction. Come at me again.” Kyux motioned her forward with his claw tipped hands.

  Skyler sucked in a steadying breath. As long as she didn’t look down, she could avoid the very large and hard distraction between his legs. She danced around him looking for an opening. She stayed light on her feet, ready to slip away if he made a move towards her. When she found an opening, she took a couple jabs, which he dodged, and then she pulled back.

  “You have good form, and you’re quick on your feet. If you can keep distance between you and your attacker, I can’t see you having any issues. Just make sure you come in, and then get away quickly. Don’t let your attacker have a chance at catching you, because then you won’t have a chance.”

  “Thankfully boxing gloves don’t have daggers on the end or it’d be an extremely dangerous sport.” Skyler looked down at her fingers, where the blades were sticking out. She had to admit she was a little afraid one of the blades might slip and slice off one of her fingers.

  “I haven’t heard of this boxing before. What exactly is it?”

  Kyux walked towards her, and his scent enveloped her. Her mind went a bit fuzzy and she just stared at him blankly.

  “Skyler?” He moved a little closer.

  She cleared her throat and took a step away from him. She couldn’t think clearly with him nearby. “You put gloves on your hands, and the point is to take out your opponent. If they don’t get up in time, you win. It’s a little more complicated. Definitely easier to explain while you watch a match. Usually I’m in the arena, not trying to explain it to someone.”

  “And you are good?”

  “Yeah.” Skyler perked up at his interest in her career. “I have a championship match coming up, but now I’m stuck here with no idea of when I’ll be rescued.” Skyler glared at the things around them. The Hennians might mess up her chance at the championship, and it pissed her off. There was always next year, but she’d work so hard to get it this year. She was so close to her goal.

  “We should get to the cave before night falls.” Kyux cast a glance around them. “Some of the prey like to hunt other prey when the sun goes down.”

  “Why? Seems stupid. We should all gang up together and take their ships.”

  “Good luck.” Kyux scoffed.

  “Why is it so unbelievable?” Skyler folded her arms in front of her chest, being careful of the dangers still between her fingers. Surely, the people on this planet could see her reasoning.

  “There are so many different species on this planet’s surface. Trying to make them all see reason and get along.” Kyux snorted at the very idea. “I would never work alongside a Daen’su, and they probably wouldn’t work alongside me.”

  “Why not?”

  “There are some species that just don’t get along, Skyler. All of us were picked for a reason: temper, size, strength, and fighting skill. Not if we’d get along.”

  “I see you’re point.” She had no idea how she’d go about approaching a strange group of aliens and ask them to join up. She’d probably just end up being speared. “Any way I can get my clothes behind the waterfall without getting them wet?”

  Kyux winked at her. “You could take your clothes off and try to carry them to the cave without getting them wet.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Skyler was tempted to try, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to get naked around a man who thought she was his mate, and then take a dip in the most enchanting waterfall she’d seen. It could spur on some of his mating urges. She was amazed he’d lasted this long.

  “I would enjoy it.” His grin went from ear to ear, as his dark eyes lit up.

  “Thought so, unfortunately for you this won’t be your lucky day.”

  “You’ve seen me naked.” Kyux motioned to his body.

  Her eyes traveled up and down his naked form. Mmm… yeah, she’d seen him naked and don’t get her wrong, she really enjoyed the sight, but she wasn’t ready to act on her impulses quite yet. “I’ve enjoyed the view very much, but I never asked for you to strip down. It was your choice.”

  “It’s your choice as well.” He sent her a cocky smile. “Follow me then.”

  Kyux grabbed his clothing and waded into the water. Skyler was quick to follow, as he disappeared behind the waterfall. The water was slightly warm and extremely enjoyable.

  Before going through the waterfall, she gave a glance around. The sky was lit up with yellows and oranges, as the sun set below the horizon. This really would be a great vacation spot, except for the Hennians.

  Skyler dove under the waterfall and popped back up on the other side. Right before her was the mouth of a cave.

  “Grab hold of my hand.”

  She looked up to see Kyux holding a hand out to her. She slipped her hand into his, and he pulled her up, slamming her into his chest. Her mouth popped open, as her mind fled its senses.

  Warmth flowed off every inch of his skin, and she felt herself melt a little. This was a bad idea, but his arms around her felt so nice. Here was a guy who was willing to let her be a fair partner. It was appealing, but they’d only known each other for less than a day.

  Her eyes met his, and she noticed they’d gone fully black again.

  “What does that mean?” She had her suspicions, but was hoping she was wrong.


  Was his voice just a tad huskier? Oh man! She was screwed. He was all her dreams wrapped into one very sexy package. A package that was going to be hard to resist, but oh so delectable to enjoy.

  “Your eyes. It’s the second time I’ve noticed the black consume all parts of your eyes.”

  “I’m aroused, because I have my mate right in front of me, but she won’t let me touch her in the ways I desire.” He growled out.

  “You’re touching me right now.”

  “Not the way I want to touch you.” His hands roamed down her back and gave her bottom a light squeeze.

  “Woah!” Skyler shot out of his arms. “Maybe we should sleep on separate sides of the cave.”

  “That might be impossible.”

  “Why? Because we’re mates?”

  “No, because the cave is small.” Kyux motioned to the walls around them.

  Skyler took a glance around. “Oh.” He was right. The cave was a mite cozy.

  “Come on.” He laid down on some sort of make shift bed and patted the area beside him. “I won’t bite.”

  She couldn’t help the snort of laughter that shot through her nose. Not only was he handsome and strong, he was also inte
lligent and charming.

  Skyler looked down at her sopping wet clothing.

  “If you want, you can hang your clothing up alongside my own.” He pointed to the mouth of the cave where a line was strung up.

  Get naked and lay down next to her alien mate or sleep in wet clothing inside a slightly cool cave. Difficult decision.

  She could fend off any of his advancements, but she’d be hard pressed to fend off the cold and the pruned skin that came with wet clothing inside a cool cave.

  Decision made. She stripped off her wet pajama top and looked over at him. His black eyes had zeroed in on her breasts.

  “Excuse me.” Skyler put an arm over her breasts and gave him her best glare.

  Kyux only shrugged, completely unconcerned.

  It’d be fine. She could handle him.

  She peeled off her wet pajama bottoms, and then put her clothing up on the line next to his.

  Chapter 5

  Kyux loved what he was seeing. His cocked strained for her attention, but his mate averted her eyes, as she came to lay down next to him. Why was she resisting him so much? So, what if she’d recently gotten out of a relationship? He was a Krocosian mate. He’d provide for her and make sure she was never unhappy. Her unhappiness would be his own. It’d be like no other relationship she’d had in the past. It would be a partnership, where she could do what she wished, as long as she slept beside him every single night of their lives.

  “Comfortable?” He glanced over at her, as she tried to leave as much room between them as she could.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “You might be more comfortable and warm, if you scooted closer to me.” Kyux held his breath, as he waited for her answer.

  “No thanks.”

  She was a stubborn one, wasn’t she? He only hoped she didn’t catch a cold. She was wet and the air wasn’t all that warm in the cave. A sick mate on a Hennian hunting planet would be a true nightmare.

  He kept an eye on her and noticed the moment her skin formed goosebumps, and she started shivering. He resisted the urge to reach out and draw her into his arms. He had to let her come to him, or she’d just refuse his touch.

  Slowly, Skyler scooted up against him, and a smile spread across his lips. Once she was pressed firmly against him, he wrapped his arm around her waist and waited for her to yell at him.

  A few seconds went by, and she made no sound of refusal.

  “Aren’t you going to tell me to keep my hands to myself?” She was confusing him a bit.

  Her hazel eyes turned to look up at him, and she sent him a dazzling smile. “It’s a cold damp cave, of course I’d welcome your warmth.” She held up a finger. “But that’s all I’m welcoming from you at the moment. So, don’t get any ideas.”

  At the moment. Those last three words echoed in his head over and over again. Those three words gave him hope that she might welcome later advances, and this hope was enough for him, for now.

  He tucked her into his body and enjoyed the feeling of having his mate in his arms. She smelled delightful, and she made his head buzz in a pleasant way like he’d had a glass of alcohol.

  Now all he had to do was get his mate off this damned hunting planet without her getting killed in the process. He hugged her a bit closer. He’d get her off this planet, even if it resulted in his own death, as long as she survived. It was now his only goal.

  “You can find your way?”

  “Yes, I can. You gave me a great description of how to get there.” Skyler sent him a reassuring smile. She could do this. She’d earn her keep. It was something she had to do, not only to prove her worth to him but to herself as well.

  “Don’t be late in coming back and move quickly. You don’t want to get caught out in the dark. It’s not just alien men you have to worry about. There are some predators on this planet as well.” Kyux warned her.

  It was sweet of him to worry about her, but she had this in the bag. Grab food and get back to the cave. Quick and easy.

  “I’ll be quick. In and out. And I have my daggers.” She held them up.

  “Good.” He picked up a couple swords and strapped them to his hips before grabbing a spear.

  “You do the same. I probably won’t make it off this planet alive without you.” He had more experience on this planet and knew more about the Hennians than she did. She needed him.

  His black eyes filled with some hope as looked over at her. “Worried for my safety?”

  “Worried for mine. I don’t want to die on this planet.”

  “I won’t let that happen.” His voice took on a serious tone.

  Before she could react, he grabbed the back of her head and drew her in so he could place a quick kiss on her lips. He turned on his heel and strode into the forest.

  Skyler placed a hand to her lips. It had been the briefest of kisses, yet it had seared her very soul. She’d better be careful with Kyux.

  It was too soon. She’d just broken up with Robert. It was time for her to focus on her career, not another man and his inability to accept her talent at boxing and her blossoming career.

  Skyler made her way into the forest, her destination the drop site. Within a couple hours she found herself peering out at the large clearing. There was nothing in it yet, so she sat back on her heels, making sure to keep out of sight in case someone else was waiting for the drop.

  Kyux was sure Skyler would be fine, but he couldn’t help the doubt creeping through him. She was his precious mate, and he’d just let her walk into the unknown. He might return to the cave to find her missing or dead.

  But he also didn’t want to check on her to find her safe and sound at the food drop site and ruin anything between them. He’d seen the sparkle in her eyes. She’d wanted to help him out with gathering supplies, and her success was important to her.

  He had been impressed with her skill. Whatever boxing was, it had clearly prepared her a bit for this planet, but would it be enough to keep her alive in a fight? She could get teamed up on like when he’d first encountered her.

  This sport of hers seemed a bit on the violent side, not that he would mind. He’d support his mate no matter what she chose to do with her life, especially since she appeared to be good at it, even though he didn’t know the rules. He’d have to ask to watch her next boxing match.

  He didn’t know her all that much, but he did know she’d prefer respect rather than coddling. She was a woman after all, not a little girl.

  He turned his attention back to the clearing. There were already a few aliens meandering around the edges. There’d be a fight, but hopefully this meant there wouldn’t be too many aliens around Skyler’s drop site.

  A shuttle flew overhead and weapons littered the area below. One stupid fool leapt out too early and a falling sword impaled him through the top of his head.

  Kyux shook his head. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen it out here. Patience was a virtue and an ally on this planet.

  The last of the weapons hit the ground, and then Kyux rushed out with several other aliens.

  A Cri stepped into his path.

  “Remember me?” The Cri asked, anger coating every word he spit.

  Kyux let out short string of curse words, as he hefted the spear in his right hand. “Back away, and I’ll let you live.”

  “After the whollop you gave me? I think not.”

  The Cri dashed forward, and Kyux let the spear go. It went right through the Cri’s abdomen. Blood gurgled up between his lips, as he fell forward. Kyux didn’t spare him a second glance. The Cri should have known better. They were not equal sparring partners.

  Taking out a bag Kyux stuffed several weapons into it and made his way back into the forest.

  “Hand it over.” Another alien stepped into his path, this time it was a Dallaski. His blood red eyes skimmed over Kyux, sizing him up.

  Kyux flexed his hands. It’d been too long since his black claws had tasted soft flesh.

  The Dallaski’s tufted tail twitched, r
ight before he leapt towards Kyux. The men went down in a heap of flying fists.

  The Dallaski landed a blow and stars flew before Kyux’s eyes. He let out a growl and scraped his black claws down the Dallaski’s chest. Black blood poured out of the wounds and dripped onto Kyux.

  He slashed his other hand against the man’s throat. The Dallaski raised a hand to his throat, as he tried to stem the flow of blood, but nothing would help him now. He collapsed onto Kyux. He rolled the dead man off of him.

  He had to get back to the cave, not because he was worried Skyler hadn’t been able to keep out of danger, but he knew how the men on this planet could be. The sooner he had his mate under his watchful eye the better.

  Skyler glanced up, as a shuttle flew above the clearing and dropped containers onto the ground below.

  She dashed out, grabbed a couple boxes, and then bolted out of the clearing. Turning around she watched as several aliens converged on the food drop and started fighting with each other. Good thing she’d been waiting for the drop and ready to grab and run.

  She turned her back on the clearing and headed deeper into the forest. She didn’t want any of them to catch sight of her and come after her.

  As the day started to grow older, Skyler wondered if she may have lost her way.

  Shouldn’t she be back at the cave by now? Had she gotten turned around? It was more than possible. She’d only been on the planet for about a day, so it wasn’t like she knew her way around.

  At least she had some food with her, and she was sure Kyux would search for her, when she didn’t show. She was his mate, and he wouldn’t just leave her to die. He wouldn’t be able to do that with his instincts kicking him to protect her.

  Skyler kept on the move, but after a few more hours she knew she was completely lost. She should’ve taken some survival classes, not that she could have predicted this turn in her life.

  A foul smell encompassed her, and her nose crinkled up, as she gave a deep sniff. “What the hell is that?”

  She spun on a heel and found the same creepy yellow alien that she’d first met on this ridiculous planet right behind her. “You get around don’t you.”